About Us

We are a large (8 member) family. Our family has six children. From pretty young to 21 years old.

We’re pretty easy going.  The kids do extra curricular activities – dance, basketball, singing, etc, you get the idea.

Anyway, we have one son, one of the 21 year old boys that has a stomach issue.  He has had asthma, and other issues, but for the last six months or so he has had, sometimes, severe stomach and acid pain. Pain is his esophagus was not a common occurrence.

This young man and the other members will be interviewed and their stories will be chronicled here at www.cbdoilbenefitswhat.com

I will update this page as needed, to help you understand our story. I will also be writing about stories and documenting news and information from a personal perspective.

Finally, I will include stories and documentation from guest writers as well.

Thanks for reading this. I hope that cbd oil benefits what ever may ail you.

Mr.  B