CBD oil and Acid Reflux/”GERD”

If you’ve dealt with Acid Reflux before then you know how painful and annoying it can be. You can’t eat certain foods, drink certain drinks, or even lay down to sleep in some cases. You sit down to have a nice dinner, a glass of wine, and then just a little while after you finish your meal, that burning sensation starts in the back of your throat. You didn’t realize your food had a tiny bit of garlic in it, Now you’ve got to worry about hours of pain and discomfort. You don’t even know why this happens to you.

So first, what is acid reflux? Acid reflux is when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus.. Stomach acid, half digested foods, and other digestive enzymes move into the throat, causing pain and damage to the sensitive flesh in the esophagus. There are actually many things that can cause this reaction.

Too little stomach acid in the stomach can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax, allowing the back flow of digestive juices. Many times not having enough stomach acid is caused by taking too much anti acid medication. This can also cause slow digestion and a buildup of bad bacteria within the stomach. This can further complicate the ability to digest food efficiently as well as cause complications with the immune system. Stomach issues can be a root cause for many other health issues that arise. Slow digestion can cause food to actually spoil while still within the stomach, helping to breed more bad bacteria.

So, sometimes grabbing those acid pills isn’t really the best solution. While it may provide temporary relief, it might be helping cause more issues in the long run. Before I ever took CBD oil I found that ingesting a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar helped my digestion and limited acid reflux greatly.

CBD has undoubtedly helped my acid reflux more than anything. It has helped improve my digestion and limit my lower esophageal sphincter motility. Going from having to sleep upright every night to laying down at night is one of the best things that happened after taking CBD oil.

If you struggle with acid reflux or “GERD” I believe that taking CBD oil will greatly improve your quality of life. Adding in apple cider vinegar once a day can also greatly improve digestive health and promote adequate acid levels within the stomach. You may read that and think it can’t be true. Try it. Mix a little Apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and see how you feel an hour or so later.

It can be a real struggle getting through life when you have to deal with any digestive related issues. Maybe people don’t understand just how debilitating it can become. If you struggle with acid or any related issues then CBD may be right for you. In my last post I discussed how CBD interacts with the body. I would suggest checking that out. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in the digestive system.

Comments (55)

  1. David

    Can you tell me what Brand of CBD oil helped out with GERD? Also, where can you buy it?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello, David, if you go to the page titled “CBD benefits what” you’ll see an image for CBD pure. If you click on the link it will take you to their website where you can order a very good and reputable CBD oil.

    2. Patricia

      I would like to know the brand of CBD oil for acid reflux please

  2. ME

    What kind do you take?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi there. Currently I am not using any, but if you check the page named “CBD oil benefits what” and click on the image of CBD pure, my affiliate link will take you to their website. There you can order a very good and reputable CBD product.

  3. Penny Adkins

    I have had surgery for GERD and still have reflux! I’ve also had my gallbladder removed and honestly believe that most of my reflux is bile, uuuuuugh! When having a bad episode, I can drink a small glass of orange juice and get some relief. Would CBD oil help me with bile reflux????

    1. admin (Post author)

      Because of how CBD interacts with cb1 and cb2 receptors it is safe to say that it could help manage your symptoms. The best thing that you could do is buy a single vial of CBD and try it out. It could help a lot, as it did for me, but everyone responds differently. Your gallbladder being removed is what makes me unsure of how it will affect you.

  4. Jatinder singh

    Why the patients using cbd oil complaint that it causes little constipation effects and acidity. Kindly provide some solution

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello, CBD in its pure form would not cause either of these symptom. I did use a CBD oil peppermint spray one time, and that cause some acid redox because the peppermint relaxed the esophageal sphincter. When you purchase CBD oil, you want to find out all of the ingredients that are used in the product. There are many cannabinoids that have not been fully tested to see how they react with the human body. So, you want to order a product that contains a full spectrum CBD oil. Products specifically like that are what allowed my body to begin recovering.

  5. Tanika Rhodes

    I too have dealt with acid reflux issued for 6 months now, taking proton and provide daily, with no improvements. So I am now ready to try the oil, thanks for sharing your story. Please share any other advice.

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Tanika. Believe me, I know how you feel. I was dealing with acid for over a year with no improvements. In fact, I was getting worse as time went on. CBD oil definitely changed my life. It gave me a chance to heal. I still have to take an acid pill occasionally, but only a few times a week as opposed to every few hours. It can take time for the CBD to really kick in, but sometimes there are immediate improvements. It is well worth trying.

  6. Beverly

    I have sufferd from GERD and major acid reflux for year taking RX twice daily to have relief and that did not alway help. I started using CBD oil 2 weeks ago and I feel great I don’t even have to take my medication anylonger I love this stuff I will continue to use it Also the other health benifits have been great as well.

    1. Tammy

      Your story sounds just like mine ! Can I ask what strength you take and how often ?

      1. admin (Post author)

        Hi, Tammy, thank you for stopping by. If you mean dosages, then it would really depend on how I was feeling. Some days I would have maybe 10mg throughout the day, and other times I would have up to 50mg in a single day. Normally I’d take some after waking up, during the day, and then about an hour before bed.

  7. Kimberly

    How many mg is needed of the cbd oil to aid in acid reflux/gerd?

  8. Ishsha

    This CBD oil is amazing, its really helped my Acid Reflux amongst other issues.


    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello, thanks for the comment. For Acid/GERD I would recommend at least 20 mg’s a day. That’s about what it would take for me to experience relief.

  9. Katie

    If the LES is already relaxed, which is what is causing my issues, Wouldn’t CBD continue to relax the LES? Or does it strengthen the LES? You no longer need it? Wow that amazing.

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Katie, thanks for stopping by. CBD helps to restore the proper functioning of the LES. While it can be a relaxant for some things it isn’t a relaxant. CBD oil helps inhibit motility in the LES. Now I’m not a qualified medical practitioner, but my experience is that it greatly improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Also, yes, even without taking CBD for some time I rarely have acid.

  10. Anne

    I have had acid reflux for over 15 years and was able to get off my over the counter meds by eating protein at the first sign of reflux. I used to always get it at night before bed, and then I started to eat a bowl of organic oatmeal. But really any protein will help. Sometimes if I have spinach I’ll eat that and get relief right away.

  11. Johanne Barrera

    I have acid reflux pretty bad right now !! Plus a stomach Ulcer ! My ppi aren’t even helping me at all . I’m 19 . I use to love smoking weed and I stopped ever since I found out I had an ulcer . Never had heartburn until the pills. I live in California so we have weed shops everywhere. Is CBD In vape ok as well? Please let me know if CBD is also ok for my ulcer . It’s barley been a month and half but feels like years . I’m trying to take action ASAP before things get out of bounds . I could get CBD oil too in any case .

    1. admin (Post author)

      I’ve had acid reflux and an ulcer at the same time, so I understand your pain. First I want to say that I’m not a professional, so this is all based upon my experiences. Pot is fine for you, but CBD oil has a much stronger impact on the digestive tract. CBD oil helped me recover from an ulcer in just a few weeks as opposed to months. Vape is okay, but I find that holding CBD oil under the tongue is the most effective way to absorb it.

  12. Josette

    My son is 14 years old and suffer from IgA deficiency and dyspepsia. He can not eat any food, has been on a feeding tube for 4 month due to his nausea, acid reflux and vomiting. He has a J-tube which means its by passing the stomach. They have him on Prevacid twice daily and it’s not helping. I’m going to try this. How much CBD oil would you give him? He’s 14 years old, 5’7″ and 113 pounds.

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello and thank you for commenting. I’d like to start by saying that I am not a medical professional. Your son’s health complications are more complex than anything I’ve experienced. However, I believe that CBD oil could help him with some of these problems. I’m so sorry to hear about his suffering and I truly hope that CBD oil helps. I would take 20mg at times for my symptoms. I would recommend starting with a lower dose and raising it over a few weeks.

  13. Leanne

    Hi I have acid reflux about 2 years now and the only time it would bother me is if I have an alcoholic drink I would get sick for at least 2 days after drinking im only 29 and I cant even have an alcoholic drink with family or friends would the cbd oil help me I was on tablets once a day now im on tablets twice day 150mg

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi there, Leanne. I’ve experienced the same issue. Alcohol causes the LES to relax and allows acid to flow into the esophagus. I’m not a medical professional, but in my personal experience CBD oil has allowed me to enjoy a couple of drinks.

  14. Ceebz

    I feel most assured by your own experience from Acid Reflux and that CBD has had a wondeful effect on managing your discomfort and pain. I have had an endoscopy performed on me and they found a small Hiatus Hernia and luckily no ulcers ! Then I had a CT scan to see all the neighbouring organs and I await the results. I have just purchased CBD Capsules that is 250mg with 62.5 active CBD in it and coconut oil (Purchased from CBDBrothers). I shall start taking them today and hoping for some much needed relief from the pain and discomfort.Thank you for posting such positive and helpful comments based on your personal experience ! Ceebz

    1. admin (Post author)

      Thanks for stopping by, Ceebz. I’m actually going to be having an endoscopy done soon to check for a hiatal hernia. I’ve noticed an occasional tearing sensation in my esophagus when I am lifting. Also, CBD is destroyed by the digestive tract, so keeping it under the tongue for about ninety seconds is the best way to get it into the body. I hope that it benefits you just as much as it did me.

    2. Eileen Frost

      I too have had an endoscopy which showed I had a small hiatus hernia. I had been suffering badly with acid reflux, since on meds this has stopped but I still am uncomfortable in my throat and chest. I have to have another endoscopy and I would suggest to anyone suffering acid reflux they get it checked as it can be a more serious problem. They didn’t find anything such as tumors and I have got some CBD oil, but I notice this gives me a burning sensation when I take it under my tongue. Hopefully it will help and reading the comments here I feel I will continue to use it. The CBD oil I used previously didn’t affect my throat, but this is a stronger dose. Old age is a terrible thing!

      1. admin (Post author)

        Hi, Eileen, thank you for your input. In the case of a hiatal hernia, CBD can give relief, but unlike other forms of GERD, there is an actual tear in the esophagus and surgery is the most common way to repair this issue.

  15. Vishal

    I have tried digestive enzymes, prilosec, nexium and zantac as well as elimination diets that exclude meat and dairy..and i still had acid reflux. I tried CBD oil and the gerd went away over night!!!!. I take 1 tbl spoon of nutiva cbd oil every day. I got it off amazon. I never post anything however i wanted to let others know about this. It has done wonders for me 🙂

    1. Rosa E

      I have tried everything but nothing works for my acid reflux mainly at night time. Which brand do you take. I would like to give it a try. Thanks,

      1. admin (Post author)

        Hi Rosa, thanks for your comment. I had the exact same experience for a long time, and I know how horrible it is to have reflux when you’re trying to sleep. Two brands I would recommend are Endoca and CBDPure. I have a link to CBD pure on the second page of this site.

  16. Lori

    What if you are on a script for reflux would cbd oil have interactions

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Lori, thanks for commenting. I am not a medical professional and cannot say for certain how CBD would interact with your prescriptions. I can say that in my personal experience I never had any issue with CBD and prescriptions conflicting.

  17. Elizabeth O'Neill

    What sort of dosage of oil would you suggest a high dose for stomach acid problems, or do you think I should start low and just increase? My stomach is in agony a lot of the time and nothing the doctor helps?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by. In my personal experience a higher dose tends to help more with any kind of g.i. Tract problem. Lower doses are good for general health and maintainence, but when I began treating these health problems myself, a dose of 5-10 mg several times a day helped a lot. Everyone responds differently though, so it takes some testing.

  18. Lynne

    Hi there,
    I suffer from reflux and gastritis. I started on CBD yesterday morning, taking 10 mg once daily. This evening I noticed heartburn before dinner.

    Has anyone experienced heartburn shortly after starting? The CBD I’m using has only CBD and MCT oil. No other ingredients and purchased from a local vendor.

    I figure it’s likely just coincidence, but it’s quite spicy. The administration is with food or water, but they specifically said not to keep it under the tongue. I’ve been mixing it with oatmeal in the morning and the heartburn occurred this evening.


    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello there, Lynne. That is very peculiar. I only take CBD oil under the tongue. Ingesting the CBD oil causes it to be destroyed by the stomach acid. I’m not sure why it would be spicy either. It sounds like you may have been sold a bad product. Another thing is that it can take the body a couple days to respond to the CBD depending on your condition. I’m not a professional, but I hope that helps.

  19. Joe

    What dosage and brand of CBD did you use for GERD?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Honestly, I used so many different brands that it’s hard to say. I would take at least 10mg a day or more though.

  20. Myriame

    I am just starting cbd oil .25mg 3x daily for mild gastritis and acid reflux. But, it gives me terrible reflux and throat spasms that don’t go away! Will this go away or is it just not working for me? Thanks.

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Myriame, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not a professional, but I have some thoughts consider. For one, .25mg is next to nothing, and are you taking it under the tongue or swallowing it? What are the ingredients? I have never had an experience like that and I would take 10mg+ at once. You may want to consider trying a different brand as well as a different dosage. Again, I am not an expert and I’m still learning as well.

  21. Veda

    I just started taking cbd oil today and noticed that my heartburn and acid reflux intensified? I bought mine form Cbd kratum. Can you please share some of your thoughts on the matter?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hello, there. I would first ask what ingredients are in the CBD you are taking. I personally can’t use a CBD oil if it has any kind of mint in it.

  22. Judy

    I have low stomach acid — will CBD oil lower stomach acid even more or help equalize it?

    Blood tests also revealed I have pylori – will CBD help kill that? My body also has too much iron and too much Iodine — I’m a mess but using alternative methods, slowly healing.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    1. admin (Post author)

      To treat low stomach acid I took CBD oil as well as unfiltered Apple-cider vinegar before meals. I am not a professional, but that worked wonders for me. Thanks for visiting, Judy, and I hope that helps.

  23. Val

    I’m suffering indigestion I have a sore throat and headache. I suffer from horrendous swears. Passed menopause. I’m taking CBD capsules could this be the cause

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Val. How much CBD are you taking, and has it been helping? Is the indigestion causing the sore throat?

  24. ellies

    My mom is 80 years old and has a large sliding hiatus hernia. Surgery is not an option due to age. She started taking CBD oil 5mg 2x day. She has had two episodes where she couldn’t breathe nasally or orally. Could this be a side effect from CBD?

    1. admin (Post author)

      I’m very sorry to hear that about your mom. I have never heard of this happening, so the first thing I would do is check the ingredients of the CBD oil. If it is not pure oil the. There could be something your mother is allergic to in it. I’ve never heard of or experienced anything like that from CBD. I’m not a medical professional, so I can only speculate.

  25. Maria

    Could cbd oil help with dysphagia which I believe to be linked to acid reflux. Rather than the LES causing the problems I wondered if it could help the Upper ES to function better & stop the swallowing difficulties.

    1. admin (Post author)

      It definitely could help. This tends to be a trial and error type thing. I’d give it a shot personally. Just remember it can take up to two weeks for CBD to kick in. It has a loading phase.

  26. Italo

    What time of the day is best to take CBD for Gerd

    1. admin (Post author)

      I like to take it morning, afternoon, and night. I try to keep myself at full saturation.


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