Why I haven’t posted

Hello, to whoever may look at my site. It’s been about 6 months since I have posted on here. CBD oil became harder to acquire in my state. It was hard to find exactly what the rules for it were, but a store in my state was raided for selling it. Once I saw that story I decided buying it wasn’t a safe idea. So it’s been about 5 months now since I have used CBD oil. I think using it for even a limited amount of time helped greatly though because my health has steadily improved during this time. I still get acid, but it is not nearly as severe as it used to be. I think that CBD oil set me on the path to recovery. At some point I would like to get back to using it for general health, but it just isn’t very possible for me right now. Because of this I haven’t had any real stories to share about CBD oil helping me. It is possible that I will start to post on this site again about other health related subjects, but I am not sure.  If you are struggling with a health issue, not just acid, then I would still highly recommend trying CBD oil.

Comments (2)

  1. Alicia

    I don’t understand. If CBD is legal in all 50 states why are you not able to get it. Have you tried CBD without THC? Love the info on your site!

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi, Alicia, thanks for the positive words. There were a few months in my state where the legality of CBD was in question. So I was being cautious. Now it’s fine and I’ll be starting to use it again in the near future. Although, for some reason some CBD suppliers won’t ship to certain states.


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